1. Have a catchy title. Be concise and creative with your title. Don't forget to reference your conclusion in your title.
2. Write for a broad audience. EB covers a wide array of topics, so be sure to write your abstract so it can be understood by researchers in other disciplines. Avoid acronyms when possible.
3. State your problem up front. Clearly describe the problem you're solving with your research. Provide a clear hypothesis or objective upfront.
4. Focus on your findings, not your methods. A brief statement about your methods is usually sufficient. Be sure to focus primarily on your findings.
5. Talk about the significance of the research. Include a sentence or two describing the significance of the study and what it means for your field.
Additional Articles on Writing Abstracts
How to write a killer abstract in 10 sentences - by Bill Sullivan, ASBMB Today
Tips and tricks for writing great conference abstracts - by Martin J. Spiering, ASBMB Today
Abstract Tips
Five Tips for Writing a Great Abstract
Whether you are a senior scientist at the height of your career, a student planning to attend your very first scientific conference, or anyone in between, take a moment to check out our tips for writing a great abstract.