Abstract Information
EB welcomes research in all areas of experimental biology — in particular, anatomy, biochemistry and molecular biology, investigative pathology, pharmacology and physiology.
Join the community that brings together scientists of all career levels to share cutting‐edge research, networking and career advancement. It all starts with submitting an abstract on your latest research.
The on-time deadline to submit regular abstracts was Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2021 at 11:59 PM (PT) and the deadline for last-chance abstracts was Jan 27, 2022 at 11:59 PM (PT).
Help Us Program Your Abstract Correctly
The topic you select from the last-chance topic category list determines which society receives and schedules your abstract. It is crucial to review the last-chance topic categories before submitting an abstract.
Each society has its own list of topics; choose a topic from any society listing.
Remember which society is programming your abstract as that society will receive and program your topic choice.
Each society uses a different programming method; your abstract may be sent to a program committee or a session chair.
Knowing which society is programming your abstract reduces follow‐up between you and the society. Indicate your preference for oral or poster presentation.
The programming society makes final decisions about oral and poster presentations.
For all societies, accepted abstracts not selected for oral presentation will be programmed as posters. For ASBMB, ASPET, and APS, abstracts selected for oral presentation must also be presented as posters.
Important Links
Abstract Revision and Withdrawal Policies
Last-chance Abstract Submission Instructions
Registering for a new account is required for each annual meeting. If you submitted an EB abstract in previous years, the submission site does not save logins or account info from year to year, and you cannot use your society membership login credentials.
After creating your login, select 'Abstract Submission' and then 'Create a New Abstract'.
An abstract submission refers to 1) abstracts submitted to one of the last-chance abstract topic categories, and 2) all abstracts programmed during the EB meeting, including scientific, education and/or professional development‐related.
All accepted last-chance abstracts, including tables and images where applicable, will be published as submitted in the EB abstract volume of The FASEB Journal.* Presenters of accepted Last-chance abstracts must also register for Experimental Biology 2022. Failure to register will result in your abstract to be canceled and withdrawn from the meeting and all associated publications, including The FASEB Journal.
*The only exception to a last-chance abstract is an EB Science Outreach Activity Poster. See below for details.
An EB Science Outreach Activity Poster is one that features a STEM-themed public engagement activity or program. These are non-scientific abstracts devoted to outreach activities. Education and/or professional development-related abstracts are regular abstracts and must be submitted to a topic category. Outreach activity abstracts will not be published in the EB abstract volume of The FASEB Journal. Abstracts of unrelated subject matter that are submitted as an EB Science Outreach Activity Poster will be rejected. Programming decisions are final. Direct related questions to an individual society prior to submission.
All abstracts must be submitted electronically. Review these instructions carefully before submitting.
For research using human subjects, EB endorses the protections embodied in the Basic Principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and their expansion in the regulations governing research supported by the U.S. Government (45 CFR Part 46; 56 FR 28003). EB does not endorse and will not publish results of research not conducted in accordance with these principles. Investigations involving animals reported in abstracts must have been conducted in accordance with the FASEB Statement of Principles for the use of Animals in Research and Education.
Authors are not permitted to submit a last-chance abstract on previously published work unless the abstract represents further progression of the published research.
While submissions are rarely not programmed, each society reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to decline abstracts regarded as inappropriate.
The most recent versions of these web browsers must be used – Safari, IE, Firefox, or Chrome.
Before you start:
Read these instructions first; you may want to print them for reference as you submit.
Prepare your abstract in a Microsoft Word or plain text document. Have the names and institutions of all co‐authors.
Have your credit card number to pay the $100 nonrefundable submission fee; your card will be charged immediately. The nonrefundable fee cannot be refunded for withdrawn submissions.
If you are not a host or guest society member, know your sponsor’s full name, society affiliation, and e‐mail address. The sponsor will be notified of the submission.
Ready to Start – Login and Author Information
To begin the process, an account must be created. To return later and make changes, to complete an unfinished abstract submission, revise a submission, view your emails, or print your receipt, you will be able to login with the Username and Password you created.
Enter the account holder information. Complete all required fields. Please note: the account holder does not need to be first/presenting author.
You may be first author of multiple volunteered scientific papers provided that each submission represents distinct research. Sponsoring or co‐authoring of additional abstracts is permitted (see item #8).
Only the first author may present the paper, unless prior approval is received from the Executive Officer/Director of the society to which the abstract is submitted. The first author must find a replacement speaker if multiple abstracts are programmed at the same time.
Each abstract must be sponsored by a member of a host society or an official guest society. The abstract sponsor attests that all authors adhere to the submission rules and guidelines and to the merit of the abstract submission and presentation. Sponsors of submitted abstracts assure that all listed abstract authors played a significant role in the reported research. Sponsorship eligibility varies by society. View the Abstract Sponsorship page to determine sponsor eligibility.
Each abstract should contain:
a sentence stating the study objective (unless given in the title)
a hypothesis
a brief statement of methods (if pertinent)
a summary of the results and
a statement of the conclusions. Stating "the results will be discussed" is not sufficient.
Abstract Title and Body:
Enter the title of your abstract in title case (i.e., capitalize the first letter of each word, except prepositions). Do not place a period following the abstract title.
Title case trade names.
Use standard abbreviations for units of measure.
Spell out other abbreviations at first mention, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses for subsequent uses. Exceptions: DNA, RNA, etc.
Include the source of research support in the separate textbox on the submission form.
Cut and paste the body of your abstract from a Word or plain text document into the Abstract Body area of the form. Be sure to save your abstract. You will have an opportunity to proofread the complete abstract before submitting the final version. The abstract title, authors, affiliations and abstract body must not exceed 3000 characters (excluding spaces) and must contain at least 100 characters. If character guidelines are not followed, you will not be allowed to proceed.
Do not enter the title or authors again in the abstract body. The title, author and co‐authors will automatically be included in the final abstract.
If your abstract contains tables, graphics or figures, you may upload them on Step 3 – Image/Table Upload. All Figures and/or tables will be placed at the end of the abstract text.
You will be asked if you wish to be considered for any awards, depending upon the society you are submitting to.
You will be required to acknowledge and accept the Author Agreement. Please read the agreement prior to submitting an abstract.
You will be asked to acknowledge that you have proofread the abstract before final submission. The final version will appear online in the meeting supplement of The FASEB Journal. Any changes to the abstract after submission must be approved by all authors and the sponsor.
Review the Abstract Revision Policy for details and fees.
Your selected topic category determines which society receives and programs your abstract. It is crucial to review the society last-chance topic categories before submitting your abstract. Topic categories are listed by society and searchable on the “Abstract Detail” in Step four of the submission form.
Your abstract will be received and programmed by the society (discipline) that lists your topic choice, not the society that the abstract sponsor is a member of.
Each society uses a different programming method; your abstract may go to a program committee or a session chair.
Knowing the society that is programming your abstract makes follow‐up easier; please keep a record for your files.
- All last-chance abstracts will be programmed as a poster presentation and scheduled during exhibit and poster hall hours (9:00 am – 4:00 pm) Sunday, April 3 through Tuesday, April 5.
- Incomplete submissions will not be programmed.
- All last-chance submissions require a $100 nonrefundable fee, payable only by credit card prior to completing the abstract submission. Upon completion, print a copy of the screen for your records; this is confirmation of payment for your abstract submission and nonrefundable $100 fee. A payment receipt is available when you login to your account. The site is secure. After submission, you will also receive an abstract receipt confirmation email and a payment receipt email that contains your abstract number. Use this abstract number and the first author’s last name in all future correspondence about your abstract. The same information is required for revisions or withdrawals.
- Revisions (fees apply): Do not submit the abstract more than once. Revision requests must be made via the abstract submission site. Log in with your submission credentials and select “Change Request” under the Action column. Your co‐authors and sponsor will be notified and must approve the revision. Changes in authorship require the physical signature of authors and abstract sponsors and programming society approval. Please see the Abstract Revision and Withdrawal Policy and contact the society with abstract revision questions. Do not submit revisions under “Create New Abstract” or you will be charged a new, nonrefundable abstract fee.
- Withdrawals (fees apply): Withdrawal requests must be made via the abstract submission site. Log in with your submission credentials and select “Withdraw” under the Action column. Your co‐authors and sponsor will be notified and must approve the withdrawal. The $100 abstract submission fee is non‐refundable. Please see the Abstract Revision and Withdrawal Policy and contact the society with abstract withdrawal questions.
- Payment: The nonrefundable abstract processing fee does not include registration. You must register and attend the meeting or your abstract will not be published in The FASEB Journal.
- Direct technical questions regarding electronic submission to EBabstracts@mirasmart.com or by calling 866‐341‐9590 (9 a.m.–6 p.m. ET, Monday–Friday). You must have your abstract number when contacting customer support.
- Contact Information: Direct questions regarding submission rules, sponsorship, withdrawal and topic categories to the society corresponding to your abstract submission.