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Scientific Integrity Policy


The Scientific Integrity Policy for submission of abstracts is based on recommendations from the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, the Council of Science Editors White Paper on Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications, and the US Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Research Integrity. EB host societies expect all authors to comply with generally accepted standards to avoid scientific misconduct.


Abstract Review


All abstracts submitted to EB for possible publication and presentation at the conference will undergo a review process by the host societies prior to publication in The FASEB Journal. (Please note: The FASEB Journal editors and editorial board play no role in the review of EB abstracts, and the review of EB abstracts is the responsibility of the host societies.) The goal of abstract review is to be inclusive of quality science without compromising scientific integrity. Each host society has developed a procedure for reviewing abstracts and has the general authority to reject an abstract as part of the review process. Both authors and reviewers are expected to take their roles seriously, as detailed below.


Research Regulations


With regard to research using human subjects, EB endorses the protections embodied in the Basic Principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and their expansion in the regulations governing research supported by the U.S. Government (45CFR Part 46; 56 FR 28003). EB does not endorse and will not publish the results of research that was not conducted in accordance with these principles. Investigations involving animals reported in abstracts must have been conducted in conformance with the FASEB Statement of Principles for the use of animals in research and education.




Authorship is defined as 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the abstract or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published. Authors should meet conditions 1, 2, and 3.


Submission of an abstract to EB constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to scientifically defend their work in the format (poster, oral presentation, or both) assigned by the host society. Failure to do so, if not justified, may result in a notice of retraction in The FASEB Journal or may jeopardize future acceptance of abstracts.


Only the first author may present the paper, unless prior approval has been received from the Executive Officer/Director of the society to which the abstract is submitted. The first author must find a replacement speaker if more than one of his/her abstracts is programmed at the same time.


You may be first author of more than one volunteered scientific paper provided that each submission represents distinct research.  

Authors are not permitted to submit an abstract on work that has previously been published.  Exception: if additional data/research is added to a previously published abstract the abstract may be accepted.


Abstract Sponsorship


The person designated in the abstract submission as the “Sponsor” on section four of the submission, attests to:

  1. The merit of the abstract submission and presentation

  2. The significant role in the research being reported of all authors listed on the abstract

  3. All authors adherence to the EB Scientific Integrity Policy 

  4. All authors adherence to the EB submission requirements 

  5. Their own membership in an EB host or guest society is in good standing

  6. Their own eligibility to sponsor per the society eligibility information




The abstract submitter has the approval of all authors and sponsors listed in the application to publish and present the information contained in the abstract. 


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