APS Last-chance Abstract Topic Categories
Each abstract must be sponsored by a member of a host or official guest society. The topic number and the description is listed below for all APS last-chance topic categories.
600-APS Cardiovascular
601-APS Cell and molecular physiology
602-APS Central nervous system
603-APS Comparative and evolutionary physiology
604-APS Biomedical engineering
605-APS Endocrinology and metabolism
606-APS Environmental and exercise physiology
607-APS Epithelial transport
608-APS Gastrointestinal and liver physiology
609-APS History of physiology
610-APS Hypoxia
611-APS Microcirculation
612-APS Muscle biology
613-APS Neural control and autonomic regulation
614-APS Nutrition Physiology
615-APS Physiological omics
617-APS Renal
618-APS Respiration
619-APS Sex differences in physiology
620-APS Teaching of physiology
621-APS Translational physiology
622-APS Water and electrolyte homeostasis